Automatic Equation Numbering with Sequence Fields

Whenever you need to number equations in Word, using the Word's built-in feature can become problematic, however, Word includes a special sequencing field that you can use to do all sorts of numbering. For the purposes of this tip, the format of the sequence field is as follows:

{seq ident} {codeBox}

where ident is replaced with a unique identifier for the sequence in question. For instance, one numbered sequence could use an identifier of EqList1, and another use an identifier of EqList2. The identifiers you use are entirely up to you.  As an example of how you can do this, follow these steps (see the video below):

  1. Position the insertion point where you want the sequential number to appear.
  2. Press Ctrl+F9 to insert field brackets. Make sure the insertion point stays between the brackets.
  3. Type “seq EqList” (without the quote marks).
  4. Press F9 to update the field information. Word replaces the field with the next number in the sequence you have specified.
Now, whenever you want to insert the number, you can copy/paste the existing field and to update the field number select the list and press F9.

For a list of all field codes in Microsoft Word check {getButton} $text={Word Field Codes} $icon={link}
For a list of all Seq field codes in Microsoft Word check {getButton} $text={Seq Field Codes} $icon={link}

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